If there was one thing that characterized our trip to Bali, I think it was the fresh squeezed fruit drinks! I know, I know, you probably thought I’d say a snorkel experience or maybe seeing the rice paddies, but no, I think it was the juice. Is there anything more islandy that a fruity drink with a slice on the rim? I think not. And does anything speak more, in such a small size, to the lushness an island can produce? Unh-unh. And did anything else make us smile more often during our days? Well, maybe the ice cream cones, but those were only in one city while the fruit juices were everywhere! So, just to entertain ourselves, I present to you a bazillion juicy juice photos!

Pineapple juice across the street from the Ulan Danu lake temple featured on the 50,000 Rupiyah bill (just under $4).
For those of you with a keen eye, or obsessive sense of counting, you might notice that there are more juice photos than there were days of our Bali visit! Yep, we were doing two a day when we could. After no freshies in Mongolia, they were just too good to resist. Oh how I miss them already… Anyone have a fresh squeezed fruit juice to spare a friendly traveler?
What a pair of cuties!
Appears you tried every variety — at least twice! On to tea and scones.
And each was better than the last…except that mixed berries one, somehow that one didn’t work. 🙂