I am way, way, WAY behind on my street art posts! Can’t believe I haven’t even posted about everything from our trip. Bad blogger, Aaron, bad blogger. Well, let’s see what I can do about remedying things. Lots to show from here in the US, but first let’s tackle Amsterdam from six months ago, shall we? Yes. We shall!
Amsterdam explodes with street art most everywhere. It’s kind of amazing, really. Right across the street from our rental apartment was a restaurant bar, Checkpoint Charlie’s, covered by perhaps the most famous of Amsterdam’s local artists – The London Police.

The newest (at the time!) London Police piece in the city – right near the urban art focused Go Gallery.
The London Police is a duo who creates blobby figures and often recognizable images in a sort of bubble style of black outlines on a white or off-white background. They are nothing if not instantly recognizable! It was really nice coming across their tribute to David Bowie on the day we learned the White Duke had passed away. A fitting memorial.
Now The London Police may be the most well-known, but they’re certainly not the only artists on view. Not by a long shot! Take, for example, Sam The Strawberry Man. He posts strawberries in different sizes all over the place.
Or MeeerBeeer who does versions of this bear face in various colors:
If you asked me what one subject seemed to get the most attention from the most different artists, I’d have to go with the female form! From cubist to manga to comic to realist, spray paint to stencils to paste-ups to stickers, there were women of all types shining out around the city.

A piece by the fabulous Alice Pasquini, a traveling artist from Rome.
The ladies didn’t have the city to themselves. No, they shared it with creatures and designs of all sorts!
One walk we took brought us together with quite a few wonderful 3-D pieces.
But the traditional 2-D pieces on walls, electrical boxes, gates and doors definitely dominated the city’s urban art scenery.

This was celebrating an underpass at Westerpark which hosted Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!
Golly, I’ve already got a zillion images in here, yet I’ve got a bunch more I want to post! Guess we all know what that means…Amsterdam Street Art Part II is coming up!
If these have inspired you and you’d like to see more, here are links to all my previous posts on street art and graffiti we’ve found around the world!
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