Just a little textile porn for my friends who are into this sort of thing…Aunt Casey and Cousin Amy, we’re speaking to you. In 2015 we brought home a heap of khangas; the traditional swahili fabric with distinct patterns and borders, usually used for clothing. Hopefully it was okay that we instead made them into
Category Archives: Art & Engineering
Another powerful day in Tanzania! This time it was our return to visit the Amboni Women’s Group (Amboni is a small town outside of Tanga). When we met them in 2015 they were just learning skills to make items they could sell – soap, tie-dye, etc. At the time I thought everyone was very nice,
We were super lucky to make a return visit to the Makonde tribe where Aaron reunited with his wood carving teacher, Mende, from 2015. As a refresher, during our 2015 trip our friend Brian asked the Makonde tribe if they’d give Aaron a carving lesson. When they said ‘yes’ Aaron and I peeled off from
On our first day in Tazania we learn how to make African batik, and check out a real working batik “factory” — and it’s not what we expected.
Next week Anner and I head back on the road for six weeks in Tanzania (YES!!!!), but that means there’s still time to regale you with a post or two from here in Seattle. This time I thought I’d do a quick, photo-centric post on the street art my dad and I saw when he