Sugaaaaaar! : A Quick Post – Vilcabamba, Ecuador Today we got a sweet, sweet surprise! At the beginning of our Mongolian Horse Training Trek (i.e. our fourth time on a horse, for those who are counting) we passed this most amazing site! As a little three legged dog yapped at us, guarding a little house
Category Archives: Ecuador
Saraguro/Namarín, Ecuador – Homestay Time Man, oh man! After almost 7 weeks in Cuenca, it was time to take our leave and I admit we were a bit nervous about heading out again. Just so long in one place, we needed to get into the groove of being on the move again. Luckily Aaron’s dogged
Chordeleg: Filigree City With all the different artist studios we’ve been lucky enough to visit recently (3 around Saraguro and 2 today in Vilcabamba), I realize I never gave my take on our visit to the jewelry city of Chordeleg, about an hour outside of Cuenca. Let me just rectify that right now! Like most
Weaving a copper basket with the Cuenca Coppersmith – Cuenca, Ecuador Perhaps you remember Marco Machado, the Cuencan coppersmith, from our earlier post? If so, you won’t be surprised when I tell you that I jumped at the chance to go back and spend the day learning from him! When we first met him, he