T-4. In four short days (!!!) we will leave this fabulous country that we absolutely love. First, though, visiting family here in Atlanta. We arrived blurry eyed and completely exhausted. Exhausted! Is there an exhaustion scale? Super. Duper. Exhausted. All that packing and planning and storing and selling and cleaning and organizing…uffda.
We follow many travel blogs and read practically every travel memoir we could find. They all seem to include some sort of sentence that goes like this, “…so we sold/gave/stored all our belongings and went around the world…” *Poof* just like that….there’s nothing to it!
Well isn’t that a bit of an understatement?
I wish I could tell you in excruciating detail what getting ready is really like, but a day later it is already a lot less bad than it was 2 or 3 days ago. It was hard! HARD!! Poor Aaron said, “Where do we start?” with quiet desperation in his voice. I am just thinking, “Give it all away!” which is not Aaron’s style. Aaron sees the value in everything we own…in a depression era kinda way. To his credit, he can fix anything and can save money like no one’s business. I like these traits a lot, but I’m also just ready to heave every last thing out of our 790 s.f. abode into a truck for Goodwill. When I’m honest with myself, I know he’s right. *sigh* So, piece by piece we decided what to keep, what to sell, what to give away. To be sure 95% falls into the first two categories. Here’s how it all came together:
The whole experience wasn’t the worst thing in the world – no one was on their death bed, so let’s not be overly dramatic, but I also know it was a lot harder than “we sold all our stuff and bought backpacks” would leave you to believe. We knew better. We’ve both traveled before…we knew, but we forgot.
Sooo, I use my best project manager skills and set a schedule. Each evening I update a long (loooooong) spreadsheet of our accomplishments. But still so much to go. Every night we felt like we did SO MUCH and every night it felt like the list was twice as long as when we started the day. Aaron and I both love a list…and never ending lists it was. We are so (SO) grateful for the many friends who offered to help. We put them all to work. Those good people, the best friends on the planet, packed our kitchen, our books, our clothes and for me…my jewelry (that took one person all day I’m not ashamed to say). We canceled the paper, got a credit card with no international fees, purchased the gear and returned and purchased and returned and purchased…(that’s another blog altogether), we told everyone, we gave notice at work, we identified a property manager and wrote a contract, we cleaned the gutters, in one 24 hour period we sold our bed, our sofa, our car and moved out of our house. The one night we had no bed, Aaron slept on the couch and I slept on the hardwood floors and was no worse for wear.
With that…in an appropriately zombie kind of state, we showed up to SeaTac airport on the morning of Halloween to eagerly board our flight to Atlanta.
Suddenly we’re living out of our backbacks. Just like that – the move is over. Just like that – our trip is in the “soft start” my in-laws promised! Just like that – we were welcomed into loving arms and given a big old dinner and glass of wine. At the equivalent of 5:00pm Seattle time at least one of us was already headed to bed and the other wasn’t far behind.
In a week or two we can write one simple sentence, “…so we put all our stuff into storage and headed out for a trip of a lifetime” but for now we are just plum tuckered out. This week we will enjoy our family, run some last minute errands, make some last state-side phone calls and hopefully by Thursday be roaring to go! With packing a distant memory…practically forgotten… we will head out, out on our Big Trip. We can’t wait!
We love you and wish for you great times and great adventures. Take photos. And never forget that an “adventure” is often something that happens when looked at in the rear view mirror. Do not get upset or freaked when there are bumps in the road. Later, the “bump” with have been an “adventure”. Hugs for you both.
Thanks for the reminder Casey! We’ve already had some “adventure” getting our initial plans in place but we both have complete confidence it’ll all come together. Lots of photos to come…just as soon as we figure out how to get them off of the camera. Ah yes, more “adventure”. HA!
So much work for an amazing year ahead. Safe journey! We will live vicariously through your adventure.
We will see you on Messanger – I can’t wait. Thanks for the wonderful vote of confidence…we’ll try to make you proud!!
So…….you are almost on your way……saw your pic on the plane! Was plastered on HDR emails evidentally……..no pic of Aaron tho…..was he riding in cargo? The book you were reading looked heavy…….might weigh down your lil backpack girl! Enjoy your last days of warm showers, american food and a fresh bed……..remember you won’t be any younger when you return…….just wiser! Lol! Happy Trails……….
Thanks Ruthie! Book is read. Clothes washed. One day from departure and Hubs is still planning to fly in coach.
Now, when we read this, you are already gone- off to South America. Wishing you all the best, we have always a thought to you when we leave for work and school in the morning, wondering where you are in the moment. We hope to read and see picture from your big journey!
And when you come back, please knock and ask: we have an airbed in our shed!
All the best from across the street, including Emmy and Smilla!
An airbed!You can bet we’ll want to borrow that when we returned…and Emily and Smilla. We miss our sweet little kitty neighbors. I think they visited everyday when we were packing. Smila took a liking to sitting on one special chair on the back deck.
Thanks so much for commenting! We wanted to chat with you one more time before we left but things we’re a blur in the final week or so. At least we can stay in touch via the blog and Facebook. We will post more very soon.
Adios from Costa Rica!
Bon Voyage and safe travels!! Can’t wait to see future posts and pictures!
Thanks Lori!Check out our first blog on Costa Rica:MACAWS!! So. Cool.