You may or may not know that Anner and I host an epic Ice Cream Social every summer. And when I say epic, I’m not exaggerating. We’re talking ‘more toppings than guests‘ kind of epic. ‘Folks schedule their summer family vacations so they can be there‘ kind of epic. ‘Yes, please DO have thirds‘ kind
Author Archives: No Map Required
We recently published a summary of all our money posts showing that our dream trip cost about $80,000, including the trip itself ($65,000 over 15 months) plus the expenses we incurred before and re-entering US society afterwards ($15,000 over 2 months). Yup, eighty thousand is a pretty big number. There’s a lot of things a
Every once in a while a friend will get up the nerve to ask “How much did your trip actually cost?“. It’s a totally fair question and we were certainly wondering the same thing before we started! “Could we afford it?” “How much should we expect to spend in each country? And on what?” “Could
This is a story of our house, us and yet another bit of risk-taking. When we returned home from the big trip, our house looked like this: In fact, aside from me painting the porch brown from it’s original rust red, this is exactly what the house looked like when I bought it over a decade ago. I’ll never forget bringing Anner
Things have been crazy around here with Aaron getting a new personal assistant client and me all signed-up for my dream job… yep, life is about to get Nine-To-Five Real here any second. After two glorious years of setting our own schedule it’s time, once again, to start filling the money bucket…but first, how about one last get-away? Oooo!