It’s so interesting to me that all the photos posted of street art around the world are really just snapshots in time. As you read this, these works might already be painted over or simply worn away! The internet sure helps with keeping these transient artworks alive and this little memory presents part two of the
Category Archives: Art
Since we’ve been home, I’ve been exploring ways to become a tiny, tiny part of the street art scene here in Seattle. First we went and met with the director of Urban Artworks, an organization that works with kids in a justice program helping them learn skills rather than get jail-time for small offenses. The
I am way, way, WAY behind on my street art posts! Can’t believe I haven’t even posted about everything from our trip. Bad blogger, Aaron, bad blogger. Well, let’s see what I can do about remedying things. Lots to show from here in the US, but first let’s tackle Amsterdam from six months ago, shall
This is the trip that keeps on giving! Every day we talk about something that happened on the trip or something reminds us of the trip or we stand in the doorway wishing we were back on the trip…but yesterday the remember-the-trip-thing went to a whole new level! Our Tanzanian safari leader, the awesome Brian
If you remember from a month ago, we were generously gifted with both a serger and a sewing machine from wonderful friends and readers. I promised that we’d put them through their paces and I’m now proud to report that our great textile adventure has truly begun! I started off with the serger. It’s just