You may already know that some of our favorite experiences on this trip have been when we’ve been able to do some sort of art or craft with the local people. I’ve woven a copper basket in Ecuador, carved an ebony figure with the Makonde tribe and crafted a recycled metal ladle in the Tanzanian
Category Archives: Art
(odds are good this is our last blog before Radio Silence – hope you enjoy and we should be back around Sept. 2-5) JOBURG Post Cape Town, we spent three weeks doing a lovely house sit in Johannesburg where we took care of two of the world’s most friendly kitty-cats. Well, if you’re not a
I think anyone under 50 has some sort of childhood memory of LEGO bricks (even if it’s just stepping on a stray piece in your bare feet – we’ve all done that!). When Aaron was a kid, PapaBarr would wake up early on the weekends and make a LEGO creation and it for leave him
One thing I’ve learned on our trip is that there are artists expressing themselves everywhere and in every way possible! It’s been so inspiring seeing so much – lots of craftwork, many jewelers, a few textile artists and, of course, painters! Today I present some of the street art we’ve come across here in Cape
Zanzibar. Just say it aloud, Zan-zii-baaaar….. it’s the coolest named place!! It just sounds exotic, and it is. Stepping into Stone Town is exactly like stepping back in time. Zanzibar is almost entirely Muslim, so robes and scarves are everywhere. The narrow, crazy roads of Stone Town, the old center of Zanzibar city, are like